BDE: Two Soldiers Slain in Gaza on Tuesday

candle914Two more IDF soldiers were killed in combat in Gaza Tuesday evening, raising the Israeli army’s death toll to 29.

In the past day, three soldiers were seriously injured, nine were moderately injured and eight slightly injured.

BtMpZNXCQAA1M35The IDF released the name of one of the soldiers killed Tuesday evening in Gaza, Captain Dmitri Levitas, 26, of Jerusalem, a company commander in the Armored Corps who was killed by sniper fire.

The date of Levitas’s burial has not yet been published.

Baruch Dayan Ha’emmes…..

(Studio B – YWN)

One Response

  1. Dear World,

    These past few days have been tense. We lost many soldiers and unexpected casualties. We – whether we’re in Israel or not, live with red sirens everyday.
    As I write, we are still getting thousands of missiles shot at us with the most accurate precision by Hamas, yet they keep on “falling on open lots” or empty houses.
    There is really no such thing as open lots or spaces here in Israel. Moreover, most cities are limited to the Iron Dome. The media cannot exclaim they don’t believe in a G-d at this point after what they are still witnessing,
    yet they continue to say “The IDF are creating a war crime by killing innocent civilians in Gaza.” What you’ re really trying to say is “Why is it that the millions of Jews in Israel are not getting wiped out by the rockets yet and still alive?” Let me ask you this: Why are you not covering the war crime of the hundreds of thousands still being slaughtered in Syria? Egypt? Iran? Uganda? Sudan? The unemployment line in America? Or why Obama and Kerry just agreed to give $47 Million away to Gaza which is still owned by Hamas? Why didn’t you lift a finger about the 1 missile that downed the Malaysia Airlines plane in Ukraine killing all 295 people on board?
    But of course, when it comes us being bombarded with not just 1 missile but 1,000’s of missiles, it is COMPLETELY legitimateto openly and shamelessly justify terrorism? Are you guys okay?! What if that was you or your family?! What would you do?!

    To the extremists who say “Allah Akbar,” justifying G-d when evil is done. Indeed, G-d is Great! Never before have we Jews witnessed abnormal miracles in history. Never before have had such strong faith, trust, and unity with G-d, ourselves, and our neighbors we really didn’t get to know well! Never before have we formed such a great connection and strong bond! Moreover the loved one’s that left such a huge impact on us and up there in the World of Truth praying for us.

    And now, the G-d whom we believe in – Hashem, Av HaRachamim, Melech Malchei Hamlachim,- Hashem, A Merciful Father, King of Kings- will help us defeat you and those who support your wicked ways. As we “walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we will fear no evil, for Hashem is with us.” If you continue to strike us and still publicly desecrate G-d’s name, you will be wiped out like all the other past nations who tried to annihilate us-

    For Good.


    And to President Obama and John Kerry,

    We, the Jewish People
    would like to remind you
    What you have strongly forgotten
    The phrase on the dollar bill that maybe has been misbegotten
    So while you have been ignoring us
    Here is message from us



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